Rhythmic candle massage

Candle massage is a unique, soothing full-body massage that brings about deep relaxation.

The warmth of the flame and the stimulatory effect that the massage has on the circulation ensure that the ingredients are absorbed particularly quickly by the skin with an especially beneficial effect. The skin is revitalised and lavishly moisturised. The scent of the candles helps you relax, gives you energy and creates a feeling of well-being during the treatment. Massage candles are made with high-quality natural extracts and nourishing ingredients. They contain soya bean oil, shea and mango butter, grapeseed and jojoba oils, bee’s wax and vitamin E. This mixture of nutrients makes your skin silky smooth and glowing.

The candles are environmentally friendly, organic products made exclusively with natural substances. They do not contains dyes, harmful additives or paraffin. The hemp wick is lead-free. The candles do not emit toxins or carcinogenic substances when they are burning.

Massage with candles for thrilling moments

For a sensual finish, dynamic massage is alternated with gentle caresses all over your body. Afterwards, your sexual energy is made to flow and distributed throughout your body with slow strokes and gradually accelerating movements. These create a holistic, orgasmic experience that opens up whole new dimensions of lust.

All our base oils and mixtures are produced under controlled organic conditions and are 100% natural with no additives, preservatives or parabens.


  • 30 Min.115.-
  • 45 Min.155.-
  • 60 Min.175.-
  • 90 Min.280.-
  • 120 Min.330.-

Each other: plus 30.-

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