BDSM (bondage) tantra massage

Sensual dominance

If you like, we can let you go one step further. Gently but firmly, our masseuses will apply restraints and show you the beauty of absolute passivity - and how every touch is experienced even more intensively. Our bondage massages are so sensitive that you can completely give yourself up into the hands of the masseuse as she pampers you from head to toe, sometimes gently, sometimes vigorously. It’s no surprise that the Japanese see bondage as a form of high art in which the artist incorporates the restrained person's slightest movement into what she does.

For a sensual finish, dynamic massage is alternated with gentle caresses all over your body. Afterwards, your sexual energy is made to flow and distributed throughout your body with slow strokes and gradually accelerating movements. These create a holistic, orgasmic experience that opens up whole new dimensions of lust.

All our base oils and mixtures are produced under controlled organic conditions and are 100% natural with no additives, preservatives or parabens.


  • 45 Min.206.-
  • 60 Min.250.-
  • 90 Min.300.-
  • 120 Min.360.-
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