1001 nights massage

Relaxation oriental style

This extra-special massage combines elements of hot stone, lomi lomi nui and classic massage.

Treatment with warm primary rock is a feature of the Indian and Hawaiian healing arts. Combined with the ancient teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine, hot stone massage is the massage form that achieves probably the deepest state of relaxation in the whole body, joints, muscles, and also the spirit. Together, the stones’ primeval energy, the warm oil and the massage have a soothing effect and boost the metabolic processes in the bodily tissue-

Lomi lomi nui is a form of holistic massage that comes from Hawaii. It not only loosens tense muscles, but also has a beneficial effect on the whole body. The dance-like massage, that involves movements with the lower arms, releases blockages and relaxes the body.

Classical massage involved stroking and kneading the whole body and using special techniques to ease tension.

For a sensual finish, dynamic massage is alternated with gentle caresses all over your body. Afterwards, your sexual energy is made to flow and distributed throughout your body with slow strokes and gradually accelerating movements. These create a holistic, orgasmic experience that opens up whole new dimensions of lust.

All our base oils and mixtures are produced under controlled organic conditions and are 100% natural with no additives, preservatives or parabens.


  • 30 Min.115.-
  • 45 Min.155.-
  • 60 Min.175.-
  • 90 Min.280.-
  • 120 Min.330.-

Each other: plus 30.-

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