Lomi Lomi Nui (the queen of massages)

The queen of massages

Lomi lomi nui massage is a traditional Hawaiian full-body massage. “Lomi” means massaging, rubbing, pressing, kneading and stroking. It is also known as temple dance massage, as it was originally performed in the temples on a stone altar together with the sacred dance of the frigate bird. This massage is accompanied by healing polyphonic song. The ceremony has always been and still is an important part of this massage.

Lomi lomi massage cleanses and heals at a physical, mental and spiritual level and is primarily carried out using the lower arms. It is a graceful form of body work that goes deep down besides being a very soothing, moving and extremely relaxing massage. It re-establishes the connection between the interior and the exterior and also activates the body’s self-healing powers.

Plenty of oil is used to massage, loosen, stretch, knead and mobilise the whole body with gentle, flowing and vigorous movements. Blockages are released layer by layer, and the energy begins to flow again.

For a sensual finish, dynamic massage is alternated with gentle caresses all over your body. Afterwards, your sexual energy is made to flow and distributed throughout your body with slow strokes and gradually accelerating movements. These create a holistic, orgasmic experience that opens up whole new dimensions of lust.

All our base oils and mixtures are produced under controlled organic conditions and are 100% natural with no additives, preservatives or parabens.


  • 45 Min.175.-
  • 60 Min.200.-
  • 90 Min.300.-
  • 120 Min.350.-

Each other: plus 30.-

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